Dehumidifiers in Eyecare Hospital

Mar 1, 2021Industry Application


Humidity control in a healthcare environment is essential to combat the many detrimental effects on the human body and immune system. 

As ophthalmology department deals with such a crucial part of our body, it becomes essential to maintain optimal humidity levels.

Effects of Humidity

  • Optical equipments are very sensitive and are prone to damage because of excessive moisture which results in spotting on the lenses 
  • Uncontrolled humidity gives rise to fungal growth which affects sensitive equipment 
  • In Lasik Operation Theatres, when the air is more humid, corneal tissue takes on more moisture and absorbs less laser energy, so less tissue gets removed which increases the rate of re-do operations that need to be performed 
  • Ideal humidity needs to be maintained in the patient waiting area to avoid discomfort caused by high humidity

Advantages of using a Dehumidifier

  • Reduced cost 
  • Increased efficiency 
  • The number of re do operations to be done are reduced Humidification control lessens fly and micro-dust particles, ensuring a healthier and further comfortable working atmosphere. 
  • Expensive and sensitive optical equipments remain protected and intact for a longer period of time.

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