Hospitals and Diagnostics centres have many critical areas, where it is essential to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels. Maintaining the right level of moisture can prevent condensation damage which can cause downtime and damage to expensive equipment used in Hospitals. Portable Dehumidifiers provide healthcare with easy plug & play solutions which can be quickly deployed for localised humidity control
Some of the application areas of Dehumidifiers in Healthcare include
- Cath Lab
- CT scan
- Lasik Eye OT, etc
A high standard of hygiene is required apart from Humidity and temperature control to avoid commonly observed problems such as mould growth and mildew, musty smell, etc
High humidity can also potentially cause allergies and discomfort among patients suffering with bronchitis or asthma and having dehumidifiers can help such patients breathe more easily

Dehumidifiers are extensively used in Hospitals & Diagnostics centres
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides the facility of imaging the brain, spinal cord and various other areas of the body. A powerful superconducting magnetic field and pulsed radio frequency (RF) is used to measure the water content in tissue. MR gives information on soft tissues and organs. MR machine used for such sensitive purpose should be placed in a safe environment. It becomes imperative that the environmental conditions are suitable and cause no excessive damage to the equipment.
High moisture content in the surroundings can lead to deterioration of machine quality. This happens due to condensation damage to the electronic components. High humidity encourages mold and mildew growth, giving rise to musty odour.
In certain cases a frame may be placed over the body part that has to be scanned. This frame consists of receivers that take the signals given by our body and can help to get a better quality image. If excessive moisture is present in the room, it can harm the frame. This in turn will hamper the image quality and will come in the pathway of producing accurate results.
Dehumidification can help tackle these issues and increase life of the machines. It also keeps the air in the room clean and dry to avoid musty smell.
A computed tomography (CT) scan utilises a combination of X-rays and a computer to generate images of your bones, organs and other tissues. It is generally more detailed than a normal X-ray. It gives a series of images from different angles with the help of a narrow X-ray beam which circles around particular part of your body.
To ensure smooth execution of this process, monitoring and controlling relative humidity becomes essential. It is recommended that levels of relative humidity(RH) in CT scan rooms should be maintained around 50% .If it exceed beyond a certain limit, condensation comes into play which can cause significant amount of damage to electronic components present in that area. Boards, cables, connectors and other such electronic components have to be kept free from condensation.
In addition to this high moisture content gives rise to microbial growth and also condensation on the walls and ceilings of the room. This can cause discomfort to patients. It also gives rise to unpleasant odour.
To control humidity in such areas a standalone Dehumidifier is ideal. It keeps the air clean and dry and helps in keeping the electronic components intact for a longer period of time
A cardiac cath lab also known as cardiac catheterization lab is a special hospital room where diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases is done. The surgeries performed in these labs make use of tiny tubes called catheters to reach to the heart and blood vessels. Special imaging equipment is utilized to check the arteries as well as blood flow to and from the heart.
For the purpose of proper diagnosis and treatment it becomes important to monitor and control humidity levels in the surroundings. High moisture content is a threat to electronic components and can cause serious damage to them. Cath lab makes use of very sensitive equipment which needs to be protected.
Dehumidifiers can be used to maintain RH levels around 50% to combat the detrimental effects high humidity has on sensitive electronic equipment. In addition to this they also help in keeping the environment clean and avoid dampness and musty smell.
The RT PCR test is used to detect Covid-19 which is caused due to SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is an RNA virus. For the purpose of detection initially respiratory specimens are collected. To extract RNA from these respiratory specimens the samples taken have to be treated with various chemical solutions to remove substances such as proteins and fats.
This type of chemical treatment and product mixing needs to be executed in humidity controlled environment. Humidity higher than the optimal level can alter the specimen due to presence of larger amount of moisture. This results into inaccurate test results.
A Dehumidifier helps in ensuring that samples are handled in optimal conditions to ensure accuracy of testing, and also protects the equipment kept in the laboratory from condensation damage
A mammography is a test done to check early signs of breast cancer. A mammogram is typically an X-ray of breast done using low dose X-ray machine. It requires very highly precise and sensitive equipment for producing required results. It generally includes an x-ray generator, and x ray tube and gantry and a recording medium.
The higher amounts of humidity present in the air the higher the chances of such sensitive equipment getting affected. Due to high humidity condensation occurs on electronic components. This can lead to damage as condensation gives rise to corrosion of electronic components. The end result is reduction in productivity and production of inadequate test results.
Dehumidifiers assist in maintaining required humidity levels to ensure smooth and efficient working of all the equipments. It also helps to reduce maintenance cost as it can ensure lower rate of failure among these equipment
A linear accelerator is used for external beam radiation treatments for patients with cancer. Dose monitoring and beam stabilization system is generally used to ensure safe and accurate delivery of prescribed dose. A transmission ionization chamber is used to monitor dose delivered to the patient during radiotherapy. This makes it very important that the ionization chamber behaves in an appropriate manner.
During summers when the weather is quite humid, the sensitivity of unsealed chamber is seen to be affected. This is due to corrosive effect that is caused due to condensation. For the ionization chamber to work at its best efficiency it is necessary to control humidity levels.
Using Dehumidifiers is a feasible solution to tackle corrosion effects and maintain optimal RH levels in the ionisation chamber. Apart from this, Dehumidifiers keep the air around this equipment clean and avoid mold growth in highly sterile environment
Eye hospitals need to maintain a clean and dry environment for various purposes. Some of the areas where dehumidification is required are Patient waiting areas, storage areas, surgery rooms etc.
Lasik eye surgery is performed with the help of a laser programmed to remove a specific amount of tissue from cornea. To execute this process precisely and avoid inaccuracies the environmental conditions need to be ideal.
High humidity can cause condensation damage to sensitive optical equipment used in the surgery area. This can lead to production of spots and damage of the optical equipment. These instruments are expensive and thus its damage also causes downtime to the hospital. Optimal humidity if maintained will result in higher life of equipment
High moisture leads to less laser energy absorption by stroma which is the thickest layer of tissue in the cornea. This can cause inaccuracies. Also if the cornea becomes more hydrated before the surgery it becomes difficult to remove the tissue.
A Dehumidifier maintains optimal RH levels and makes the environment ideal for the LASIK surgery to be carried out accurately
Compact and Industrial Dehumidifiers help maintain ideal RH levels in Healthcare facilities such as Cath Lab, MRI, CT, LINAC, Lasik Eye, etc
Portable Dehumidifiers offer many advantages – since they can control moisture levels without significantly varying room temperature. Portable Dehumidifiers consume approximately one fourth of energy to control ambient moisture, compared to other forms of humidity control and are plug & play for localized humidity control
Advantages of using Dehumidifiers in Healthcare
- Increases efficiency
- Decreases downtime
- Protection of sensitive medical equipment
- Helps maintain of sterile and hygienic environment
- Comfortable environment for patients
- Prevention of test sample damage
- Energy savings
- Reduces overall cost (Lifecycle cost)